
who are we

Edraak Foundation for Development and Equality is an Egyptian non-profit organisation registered at the Ministry of Social Solidarity under No. 11014 of 2019, concerned with supporting the presence of women and their social, economic and political participation in the public sphere and advocating for issues that enable them to obtain their full basic rights, achieve equality in gender issues and combat forms of violence and discrimination in the public and private spheres, by providing means of support, protection and social guidance for victims/survivors of violence and providing various awareness-raising services.
The Foundation engages with women and girls’ issues by designing advocacy and support campaigns, as well as issuing studies and monitoring reports since 2020 through the Observatory for Gender-Based Violence Crimes against Women and Girls. The Foundation pays attention to multisectoral partnerships with stakeholders concerned with women’s issues, decision-makers and legislators, and works to integrate and engage men in supporting and advocating for women and girls’ issues. The Foundation pays special attention to sexual and reproductive health, community development and economic empowerment programmes for women and vulnerable groups in local communities.

Our Vision

A more just and equal society in which women are able to break the cycles of poverty, violence and ignorance, and become more capable of achieving financial and economic sustainability in an environment free from exclusion and discrimination that enables them to thrive as they become more aware of their reality and able to express it.

Our Mission

Supporting and amplifying the presence of women and their social, economic and political participation in the public sphere. Advocating for issues that enable women to obtain their full basic rights, achieve gender equality and combat different forms of violence and discrimination in the public and private spheres by providing support, protection and social counselling for victims of violence and providing community, health and environmental awareness services. Central to our mission is the recognition of the indispensable role men play in advancing gender equality and women's rights. Therefore, the Foundation derives its importance from its interest in engaging and integrating men in supporting and advocating for women's issues.
