Webinar: Partnership to End Violence Against Women


Under the theme “Partnership to End Violence Against Women: A Look at Efforts to Combat Female Genital Mutilation,” Edraak Foundation for Development and Equality organized a discussion session as part of their “Violence Against Women = Violence Against Society” campaign within the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence. The session, held on Zoom, featured:

– Representative Amira Saber, Member of Parliament,
– Dr. Randa Fakhr El-Din, Executive Director of the Qualitative Union for Combating Harmful Practices Against Women and Children
– Dr. Rami Metwally, Project Coordinator of Love Matters
– Mr. Reda Eldanbouki, Executive Director of the Women’s Center for Legal Guidance and Awareness
– Dr. Amr Hassan, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Egypt Foundation for Health and Sustainable Development

The session was moderated by Ms. Nagwa Ramadan, Executive Director of Edraak Foundation.