Edraak’s Activity Summary for 2023

Edraak Foundation for Development and Equality provides a summary of its activities during 2023. The Foundation issued the annual report of the Gender-Based Violence Crimes Observatory, which is one of the mechanisms by which the Foundation monitors the rates, frequency and forms of violent crimes directed against women and girls, in the first half of the year.
The Foundation also launched several campaigns, including the “SafeCommunication4women Campaign” concerning feminist initiatives and groups in Egypt which operate online. It focused on the role of women’s rights defenders who rely mainly on digital spaces and tools to advocate for their causes.
“Enough Clichés” is a campaign about the most frequent scenes of violence in drama series, and this campaign coincided with the month of Ramadan, which often witnesses the highest rate of drama production in Egypt. The “Emergency C” campaign on menstruation was launched by the Foundation to shed light on alternatives to sanitary pads, and how to use these alternatives hygienically and safely.
In light of the Foundation’s plan to enhance the capacities of women leaders in the public sphere, the Foundation organized a number of training programs, including “training to enhance the capacities of women leaders in society.” This training came within an ongoing series, which was started two years ago to raise the capacities of women leaders in the public sphere. During the training, the Foundation targeted 120 women and girls from 18 governorates on the republic level.
The Foundation also organized the “Gender Sensitive Reporting Training”, which included strengthening the capacities of 21 journalists from different newspapers towards gender-sensitive reporting.
You can view the full activity summary bulletin through the following link: https://edraak-eg.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Activity-summary2023.pdf

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