Public Opinion Trends on Femicide

As part of the 16-day campaign to combat violence against women, Edraak Foundation for Development and Equality partnered with the New Woman Foundation to jointly prepare this study.

The paper aims to monitor and document trends in public opinion on the murder of women and girls throughout the year, examining various periods and geographical regions. It seeks to assess the extent of public and social influencers’ interaction with these crimes, whether positively or negatively. By doing so, it aims to provide insight into societal attitudes towards violence against women and girls and reflect the public opinion trends.

The research paper aims to track extremist opinions and ideas that emerge after each crime, including those sympathizing with perpetrators and justifying the killings, as well as opinions opposing violence and advocating against the killing of women and girls. These perspectives come from various sources, including community members, groups, movements, associations, feminist and human rights organizations, as well as influencers such as clerics, media professionals, and public figures. The study utilizes a purposive sample to monitor trends in public opinion.

The study focuses on three girls—Naira Ashraf, Salma Bahgat, and Nourhan Hussein—who represent different communities (Gharbia, Sharqia, and Cairo). These cases were chosen because they garnered significant public attention and influenced societal discourse. The victims were publicly murdered in broad daylight due to their refusal to marry their perpetrators or continue their relationships.

Read the full study in Arabic (for the translated version of the study, please contact us): اتجاهات الرأى العام فى جرائم قتل النساء والفتيات-1

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