Capacity Building for Women Leaders

Edraak Foundation for Development and Equality organised a four-day training entitled “Strengthening the Capacities of Women Leaders in the Community” for 18 girls and women from several governorates (Cairo, Giza, Aswan, Luxor, Alexandria, Gharbia, Qalyubia, Port Said, Assiut).

The first day of the training covered a number of topics, including the state’s strategy for population issues, the effects of gender-based violence, population and development, and reproductive health science.

The second day, entitled “Developing Gender-Sensitive Legislation”, discussed some topics, including analyzing legislation from a gender perspective and discrimination against women within Egyptian law (the Penal Code as a model).

The third day of the training was entitled “Designing Effective Campaigns to Advocate for Women’s Rights” and discussed many topics, including the concept of advocacy, its criteria and levels, and the formulation of advocacy campaigns’ objectives, analyzing them and selecting activities.

The fourth day, and last day, discussed a number of topics, including the political organization of public authorities, the role of parliament, parliamentary tools, and the gender dimension in drafting parliamentary tools.

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