Feminist Initiatives and Groups in Egypt

Digital feminist initiatives have played a key role in advocating for women’s issues in recent years, especially with regard to sexual violence and personal status. They have achieved many gains, specifically in raising awareness, increasing community acceptance, putting some issues on the agenda of decision-makers and achieving gains in favor of women. However, many of these initiatives face difficulties in completing their activities or accessing resources and ultimately, they often stop working.

Many women advocates who are active in primarily digital initiatives face challenges related to organizing their initiatives and/or their positions within the feminist movement. Despite the recent spotlight on several women’s issues concerning the digital sphere such as internet accessibility, the creation of safe spaces, advocacy spaces and cyber violence, the journeys of women advocates or activists who primarily rely on digital spaces for their advocacy efforts and overcome a number of spatial, political and economic barriers to form such initiatives and groups that remain digitally active to support and advocate for women, are rarely highlighted. This is what the Safe Link campaign and its outputs, including a Webinar, tried to tackle and work on.

To view the full campaign bulletin:_recommendation paper- feminist groups in the digital sphere in Egypt

Reducing Domestic Violence as an Entry Point to Social Security

The issue of domestic violence is very important because of the contradictions it holds between the function of the family that exists as an educational institution regulating the behaviors of its members within the framework of innate feelings of love and tenderness and the practice of various forms of violence within this institution. Domestic violence forms differ up to the point of psychological and physical abuse.

It is not a local phenomenon, but a global phenomenon. The study tries to explain what domestic violence is, its different forms and consequences. It further includes the status of domestic (family) violence in Egypt and the constitutional and legal framework surrounding it.

To view the full study in Arabic (for the translated version of the study, please contact us): Copy of الحد من العنف الأسري – مدخل إلى الآمن المجتمعى-1

Towards a legislation criminalizing child marriage

Counselor Dr. Moataz Mohamed Abu Zeid, Vice President of the State Council and lecturer of public law subjects, participated in the events of the campaign “Marriage with the mind, not the body.”

In this legal paper, Dr. Moataz talks about the phenomenon of child marriage and the reasons necessitating the issuance of a law to criminalize and punish child marriage as well as the scope of this criminalization and how the legal environment welcomes it. Finally, the paper emphasizes the social necessity to issue a law criminalizing child marriage in Egypt.

To view the full paper in Arabic (for the translated version of the legal paper, please contact us): نحو تشريع يجرم تزويج الأطفال


Strengthening the Capacities of Women Leaders – Aswan

Edraak Foundation for Development and Equality organized a training program entitled “Strengthening the Capacities of Women Leaders” over four days in Aswan Governorate. The training included workshops and interactive sessions covering topics such as gender concepts, strategies for combating violence against women in all its forms, sexual and reproductive health education and advocacy techniques.

The training was attended by several female MPs, members of the Political Parties Youth Coordination, and representatives from political parties in the governorate.

Strengthening the Capacities of Women Parliamentarians on Gender Concepts

Edraak Foundation for Development and Equality, in cooperation with Kayan Foundation, organized a three-day training entitled “Enhancing the Capacities of Women Parliamentarians in the House of Representatives and Senate on Gender Concepts.” The interactive training discussed on its first day several topics, such as reproductive health and gender issues, discrimination against women in Egyptian law using the Penal Code as a model, and gender-based violence and its different forms.

On the second day, we dealt with Egypt’s international obligations regarding women’s rights and how to curate gender-sensitive policies.

On the third and final day, the interactive training discussed many topics, the most important of which were: designing and using gender-sensitive parliamentary oversight tools, gender-specific committees within the House of Representatives, and developing communication skills with the media.

We were honored to organize and attend the training in the presence of several female MPs from the House of Representatives, namely:

Representative Amira Saber _ Representative Martha Mahrous _ Representative Marcelle Samir _ Representative Rihab Abdel Ghany _ Representative Eman El Alfi _ Representative Nashwa El Sherif _ Representative Manal Helal _ Representative Fatima Selim _ Representative Irene Said

The training was also attended by several female representatives from the Senate, namely:

Representative Heba Sharoubim _ Representative Nadia Mabrouk _ Representative Noha Zaki _ Representative Rajia El Faky _ Representative Suha Said.

Roundtable: Enhancing Efforts to Pass a Law Criminalizing Child Marriage

Edraak Foundation for Development and Equality, in collaboration with ACT Foundation, organized a roundtable discussion titled “Joint Efforts to Enhance the Issuance of a Law Criminalizing Child Marriage” as part of the “Marriage with the Mind, Not the Body” campaign launched in September 2022. This campaign coincided with the discussion of proposals to criminalize child marriage in the Egyptian Parliament and continued through the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence.

The session included representatives from the Egyptian Parliament who discussed key points of their proposed laws, as well as representatives from international organizations and Egyptian civil society working on child and women’s protection as well as a number of Egyptian jurists represented by advisors from judicial and legal bodies. Participants included:

– MP Amira El-Adly
– MP Soheir Abdel Hamid
– Counselor Dr. Mohamed Samir, Deputy Chairman of the Administrative Prosecution Authority and Spokesperson for the Authority
– Counselor Dr. Moataz Abu Zaid, Deputy Chairman of the State Council and Public Law Lecturer
– Ms. Salma El-Fawal, Child Protection Specialist at UNICEF
– Mr. Hany Helal, President of the Egyptian Foundation for the Advancement of Childhood Conditions
– Mr. Mahmoud Mortada, Child Rights Consultant and Board Member of the Egyptian Coalition for Children’s Rights
– Dr. Norhan Salama, Project Director of Love Matters
– Ms. Dina Abdel Nabi, Partnership Officer at Love Matters
– Dr. Amira Abdel Aal, Public Health Programs Director at the Egyptian Association for Members of the Royal College of Pediatrics
– Dr. Noha El-Rafie, Associate Professor of Forensic Medicine at Ain Shams University

The seminar was moderated by Ms. Zeinab Khair, Chairman of the Egyptian Association for Economic and Social Rights.

A Guidebook on Support and Referral Services for Abused Women and Survivors

The number of violence against women (VAW) crimes in Egypt has increased despite all the attempts to pass a law criminalizing this violence. In addition to the efforts of civil society organizations, and despite the efforts made by the state to reduce VAW, especially through the development of women’s shelters which have proved to be ineffective for several reasons, the guide tries to shed light on these shortcomings and to address the issue of violence against women in detail. The first chapter starts with the definition of the concept of violence against women, explaining the types of referral systems and the impact of the different forms of gender-based violence on victims and survivors.

The guide has two main goals; the first is related to skills represented in enriching the knowledge of each of the associations and institutions that provide referral services for victims and survivors of VAW. The second goal is a monitoring goal. It is related to monitoring, inventorying and updating information and data on governmental and private services provided to women and girls victims and survivors of violence.

The second chapter of the guide elaborates on how to deal with victims and survivors of VAW, what rights and services should be available to them as well as the qualities that should be present in the service providers. The third and final chapter deals with the governmental and private services provided to survivors of violence and the challenges facing the referral system in Egypt from coordination between different agencies and bureaucracy in Egypt.


To view the full guide in Arabic (for translated versions of the guide, please contact us):دليل إرشادي عن الإحالة للمعنفات والناجيات من العنف في مصر

“If you don’t know… Knowledge makes a difference.”

During the “If You Don’t Know” campaign launched by Edraak Foundation for Development and Equality on the occasion of the 16 Days of Activism to Combat Violence Against Women
With the aim of creating some awareness of the official and civil services provided to women and girls to protect them from violence, we have collected all the links related to the campaign in one post to facilitate access to numbers and services.

What is the “If you don’t know” campaign?

1- About the campaign
2-Press release
What are the safe centers for women?
Safe Homes Guide (Women’s Shelters Guide)
Training Videos
  1. https://fb.watch/9H0gVvv22S/
Governmental Institutions and Initiatives
1- Collective units for the protection of women
2- Medical and Forensic Consultation Unit at Ain Shams University
3- General Administration of Internet Investigations
4- The National Council for Women
5- Human Rights Sector at the Ministry of Interior
6- The Safe Women’s Unit at Qasr El-Aini
Non-governmental Organizations and Initiatives
1- Places that provide free psychological support
1- Why do we not resist violence and prefer silence?
2- Why do victims of domestic violence refrain from speaking?


Developing Research Skills for University Students

Over the course of two weeks, Edraak Foundation for Development and Equality organized two lectures for 20 students from the second year of the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts, Helwan University. The lectures focused on teaching students how to write a research paper, utilize research tools, and design simple research forms. The aim was to collect data from target groups in preparation for field research on topics such as violence against women, dropout rates in education, and child labor. Additionally, the Foundation provided them with an opportunity for practical training in the Basateen neighborhood – specifically Ezbet El Nasr area in Cairo – to apply the theoretical knowledge they gained.

This initiative falls within the framework of the Foundation’s continuous support for active groups seeking knowledge and learning, demonstrating its commitment to helping them gain practical experience alongside their educational experiences.