Activity summary 2024

Edraak Foundation for Development and Equality presents a summary of its activities during the year 2024, where the Foundation issued the annual report of the Gender-Based Violence Crimes Observatory during the year, which is one of the mechanisms through which the Foundation monitors the rates of violent crimes directed against women and girls, in addition to many advocacy campaigns with a narrative of its national and regional efforts

:To read the activity summary

Activity summary EN 2024


Sensitive Press Coverage of Gender Issues

In June 2023,  Edraak Foundation organized a training workshop titled “Gender-Sensitive Reporting,” which welcomed the participation of 21 female journalists from various Egyptian press websites and newspapers with an interest in feminist journalism. The workshop covered topics such as discriminatory legal regulations affecting women, ethical considerations when documenting cases of gender-based violence survivors, gender-related concepts, and the specific challenges encountered in feminist journalism within the Egyptian context. Additionally, the training included guest speakers and provided a platform for participants to engage in discussions and share experiences.

Moreover, the training workshop included practical exercises and case studies to enhance the participants’ understanding of gender-sensitive reporting techniques. Overall, it aimed to empower female journalists to effectively report on gender-related issues and contribute to promoting gender equality through their work.

Mai Gamal Scholarship for Feminist Research

Edraak Foundation for Development and Equality launched the ‘Mai Gamal Feminist Research’ grant as a token of gratitude and pride for Mai’s tireless efforts and contributions in the field of women’s issues and combating violence. This grant aims to ease the path for young female researchers and set them on the trajectory of their research careers. Mai’s journey and her pursuit of self-education were not without challenges, which is why we seek to honor her passion by inspiring and supporting young women to continue her legacy of knowledge production for the Egyptian feminist movement.

The Foundation announced the launch of the grant during a memorial held on the twenty-fifth of November 2023, in order to fulfill Mai Gamal’s vision of supporting feminist researchers in producing and advancing research that advocates for women’s issues and combats gender-based violence.

This scholarship will be offered annually in November, providing a short fellowship to assist young female researchers in developing their research projects and skills in feminist research. Subsequently, a committee will be formed to evaluate the research proposals and select the recipients. Further details regarding the inaugural session will be announced in the middle of the following year.”